At Indiana University, Academic Media Production Spaces (AMPS) are recording facilities for faculty use, with technology suited for producing high-quality instructional audio and video content. Some of these spaces are full-service facilities staffed with video production professionals who work in collaboration with the faculty member to create mediated academic content while others are self-serve facilities where the faculty member is in control of the technology. Intended to be an improvement on do-it-yourself instructional media production, these spaces provide the technology to produce content of a higher quality allowing greater student engagement and retention.
Creating instructional media at IU

Available services within all Academic Media Production Spaces include:
- Recording of audio and video content using state of the art equipment.
- Superimposition of faculty over backgrounds which can include PowerPoint presentations, motion video, images, maps, etc.
- The ability to record handwriting on screen.
Depending on the type of Academic Media Production Space, other capabilities are available.
- IU Bloomington – Wright Education Building, Room 2261 (Full Service)
- IU Bloomington – Wells Library, Room e251 (Self Service)
- IU Columbus – Learning Center, Room 1621 (Self Service)
- IU Indianapolis – University Library 0135 (Full Service)
- IU Indianapolis – University Library 1125 (Self Service)
- IU Northwest – Anderson Library, Room 333 (Full Service)
- IU South Bend – Wiekamp Hall, Room 1145 (Full Service)
- IU Kokomo – Kelley Center, Room 148 (Self-Service)
- IU East – Tom Raper Hall, Room 215 (Self-Service)
- IU East – Whitewater Hall, Room 117A (Self-Service)
- IU Southeast – Library Building, Room 219 (Full Service)
For other information regarding additional uses of video in your course, please contact your local teaching and learning center.