A self-serve Academic Media Production Space is located on the second floor of Tom Raper Hall.

Please direct any inquiries to the IU East Communication Center Staff at speakiue@iu.edu.
Easily record videos with studio-style effects using familiar software recording tools like Kaltura or Zoom. One-button “video mode” select lets you choose:
- Chromakey effect: superimpose yourself over your Powerpoint slideshow or anything on the computer screen.
- Handwriting Extraction: your whiteboard/chalkboard writing comes to the forefront of the screen, so that your body is never hiding important written text.
Operational information on the self-serve Academic Media Production Spaces
For other information regarding additional uses of video in your course, please contact your local teaching and learning center .
Capabilities of the self-serve Academic Media Production Spaces:

Chromakey-less Mode
Most chromakey effects require a green or blue wall or backdrop to superimpose the presenter over stills or other video content. The Chromakey-less mode achieves this against a regular wall.

Handwriting Extraction Mode
By selecting the Handwriting Extraction Mode, a presenter’s handwriting, drawings or formulae on a whiteboard are extracted and superimposed over the presenter with variable opacity.