IU Indianapolis

Overhead photo of a man using the self serve video production station

A self-serve Academic Media Production Space is located in the Health Sciences Building (RG) Room 5196.

  • Record videos and select different studio-style effects using an easy-to-operate push-button controller.
  • Chromakey effect: superimpose yourself over your PowerPoint slideshow or anything on the computer screen.
  • Active-touch monitor: Annotate over PowerPoint slides and images and direct attention using Spotlight effect.
  • Easily review your recordings and upload to your Kaltura account.

To schedule a session, create a Microsoft Outlook meeting request, and include the name of the studio calendar: PBHL RG 5196 Media Room in the "Required Participants" field. 

For other information regarding additional uses of video in your course, please contact your local teaching and learning center.

Capabilities of the self-serve Academic Media Production Spaces:

Chromakey-less Mode

Chromakey-less Mode

Most chromakey effects require a green or blue wall or backdrop to superimpose the presenter over stills or other video content. The Chromakey-less mode achieves this against a regular wall.

Handwriting Extraction Mode

Handwriting Extraction Mode

By selecting the Handwriting Extraction Mode, a presenter’s handwriting, drawings or formulae on a whiteboard are extracted and superimposed over the presenter with variable opacity.