You won’t want to miss the 2018 IU Online Conference. Presented by the Office of Online Education (OOE), in conjunction with the Office of Collaborative Academic Programs (OCAP) and eLearning Design and Services (eDS), the conference is your opportunity to learn, share experiences, and network with others who are making online education outstanding at Indiana University.
The keynote speaker is Dr. Alec Couros, an international leader and pioneer in open education. Professor of educational technology and media in the Faculty of Education, University of Regina, Canada, Couros also works with school districts, universities, and government agencies to develop policies and guidelines for digital citizenship, social media presence, and technology integration. Couros will speak on how to leverage technology for the most effective online learning experience.
Conference topics range across four tracks: administration of online courses and programs, student engagement, innovation in digital education, and ensuring quality of online courses and programs. A resource table staffed throughout the day will provide information and materials about OOE, OCAP, and eDS tools and services.
The conference location, the Hyatt Regency, One South Capitol Avenue, is in the heart of downtown Indianapolis. Visit the conference website to register, view the schedule, and get details about location, parking, and meals.